Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Educaton Abroad

Education Abroad

Something that can change your life forever, Education Abroad! Although traveling across the country would be extremely frightening, what an eye opening experience to be able to see how people in other countries live! That is not to mention getting to take classes in another country and getting accustomed to a whole new culture and a whole new world!
There great thing about Education Abroad is that you have the capability to explore programs that are in your major. Your experience abroad will not just be in the classroom, you will be able to even teach a certain subject if you show mastery of it! You can also even have an internship at a job if the opportunity or fit is best for you! Anything you will be doing greatly involves growing as a leader, meeting new people, and just seeing the rest of the world so you have a greater appreciation for what your living conditions are back home!
As students, there are always certain classes that we would like to make a little bit more exciting. Well what about taking a class in another country?? I don’t just mean setting in a classroom, I mean having the capability to experience your subject or program of choice by doing hands on experiments, and talking with professionals that will give you great advice!
Prices as far as student abroad depends on a lot of things. It will vary depending upon where you are going, your subject or choice of study, and also how long you plan to stay in that particular place before coming home to the states! For example, according to  UK is offering a 2 month stay this summer for students who will be interested in taking classes in Ireland!
UK truly has a wonderful Student Abroad program that has tons of opportunities, that are all worth looking into. Just think about completely opening your eyes up to another country. We don’t have an accurate description or perception until we actually see it with our own eyes! Student Abroad could truly change your life!


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